Challenge 2019

Our first class blog

What my family usually does during Christmas


Just a quick disclaimer, I do not remember exactly how me and my family celebrate christmas, so certain details may or may not be 100% true or close to truth.


We usually celebrate Christmas at my dad’s place, but sometimes we celebrate it at my sisters house. When the other family members arrive at our door, we greet them, let them in and they put their presents under the Christmas tree in the living room. The other family members either watch tv or their phones while waiting for the rest of the family to arrive.


When everyone has arrived, we clean the table in the living room and get some plates and glasses ready for our Christmas dinner, which usually consists of meat, (mostly lamb) cooked potatoes and probably other types of food.


After everyone is done with Christmas dinner, someone gets picked (usually the youngest) to pick and hand out presents from under the Christmas tree. After that we watch either more tv or our phones again before the rest goes back home.

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